To obtain clear and up-to-date data and then to propose adequate solutions for measures to improve air cleanliness - this is the idea behind the concept of the project "Impact of transport on air pollution within the TEN-T route Ústí nad Labem - Mělník - Zdib" - TENT AIR for short. Mobile measurements using state-of-the-art technology, analysis of the measurement results and modelling of the dispersion of pollutants are carried out with the support of EEA Norway Grants. In the framework of these activities, the university environment has been connected with cities, research organisations and interest groups and companies to jointly find out how big a polluter in the surroundings is the traffic on this part of the Trans-European Highway and how air quality can be protected. "Many people often don't realise it, but research into clean air is very important. There are many sources of air pollution nowadays - from industrial, local and transport sources. According to the WHO, it is transport that poses the greatest risk to people living in urban areas. The aim of our activities is to establish the baseline situation, then, in cooperation with experts, to design an improvement in the form of 3 action plans in the cities of Ústí nad Labem, Mělník and Zdiby," explains project coordinator Mgr. Jana Panáčková. The project leader and expert guarantor is the University of Mining and Mines - Technical University of Ostrava, which has been involved in resource identification since the 1990s and has been involved in several similar projects across the country. Thanks to mobile measuring equipment and high quality laboratory facilities we can obtain high quality and accurate data on air pollution. The identification methodology is based on the US EPA procedures and has been used several times for the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic said Mgr. Jiří Bílek, Ph.D. The validated data will be handed over to the major Norwegian partner Norsk Energi, which will perform dispersion modelling of the measured substances. The model will better reveal the causes of air pollution and the ways it spreads. Based on this model, it will be possible to effectively set up measures to protect the air and the health of the population. Three major cities are involved - Ústí nad Labem, Mělník and Zdiby. With the support of the individual mayors, mobile measurements will be carried out, together with public education for the general public. At the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022, the public will be able to attend the open days of the technology in these cities and see for themselves how such measurements are carried out, what the mobile stations can do and how they can be used immediately from first-hand clear results. The official launch of the project is planned for 22 October 2021 at 10:00 am in Ústí nad Labem (premises of ICUK, Velká hradební 2800, 400 01), which will be attended by all parties involved, including the aforementioned Norwegian partners. "On behalf of all stakeholders, I would like to invite you to the TEN-T project kick-off conference, which will be attended by project experts, including representatives of the Norwegian side (with simultaneous translation), who are ready to answer your questions," adds Panáčková, inviting those interested in attending either in person or online to contact her at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jana Panáčková, Project Coordinator