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TENT AIR is in full swing, currently in Ústí nad Labem


Air quality is a hotly debated topic these days. The TENT AIR project set out to find out how clean the air is along the D8 motorway and then use this data to propose action plans that could bring improvements to residents. The measurements are being taken care of by Envitech and with their representative, Ing. Zbyněk Novák, we talked about the process, the data and the next steps.

How are the measurements in Ústí nad Labem? What all is measured? What is being measured?

In Ústí nad Labem we have deployed state-of-the-art technology that combines continuous air quality measurements and sampling, which will be further examined in the laboratory. Dust particles, nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulphur dioxide and meteorological parameters are measured continuously. These will then be important for modelling to show where the pollutants are coming from at the measurement site. At the same time, we are also sampling the pollutants, which will show us the chemical composition of the dust particles.

What is found? Were the results predictable? Were any outliers measured?

We are still at the beginning of the project, so it is too early to draw conclusions from the measurements. So far it shows what the daily trend of pollutants in the air is, which was to be expected. Since we measured close to the motorway, it is easy to see how the concentration of nitrogen oxides, which mainly comes from car traffic, changes during the day as traffic increases. Also, the concentration of dust changes during the day. During the first month of measurements, we only once came within the limit values set by the WHO. This was for dust, which has a limit of 90 µg/m3/hr for the PM10 fraction. Further data will be used to assess where the pollutants entered the air from and what activity produced them.

What will be done with the data? What is the objective of this measurement?

We will have two periods of data from each site at the end of the project. The first will be obtained in the non-heating season and the second in the heating season. This is because air pollution varies throughout the year and the sources of pollution also vary. Based on the meteorological conditions we will be able to model where the pollution is coming from. Furthermore, the samples taken during the measurements will be evaluated in the laboratory. These will tell us which process the pollution is coming from. Each activity produces specific substances, and we can tell which activity is producing them. This will not only give us information on the state of the air, but will also help us to find out where the pollution is coming from and, based on this, we will be able to propose measures to reduce air pollution.

Harmonogram měření

Where will the next measurement take place? Why these places?

The project involves three settlements on the axis of the D8 motorway, which is part of the trans-European transport artery. In addition to Ústí nad Labem, these are Mělník and Zdiby. In Ústí and Mělník, five locations will be measured, in Zdiby four. The sites were selected on the basis of the distribution of pollution sources. In Ústí, for example, we started at the D8 motorway, then we are measuring below Klíší, and then we will measure in Střekov, Neštěmice and in the centre of Ústí nad Labem. Each location has its own specific air problems and, based on these measurements, measures will be proposed to help reduce air pollution in these locations. These measures will also be paid for by Norway Grants in the coming years, which is a great opportunity for the participating cities to improve the situation.

Can the public take part in the measurements?

The public will be able to monitor the data from each site on the new website and also on the project's Facebook profile. A public conference was held at the beginning of the project and more conferences are planned. In addition, we will be holding an open day in each city to introduce the public to the technology, measurement methods and possible solutions that will lead to improved air quality in that location.

Graf měření

Relative values are based on WHO recommendations, i.e.:

  • 200 µg/m3 /hod. pro NO2

  • 350 µg/m3 /hod. pro SO2

  • 120 µg/m3 /hod. pro O3

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